Illegal Labour 1、Legal minimum age : 法定最低工作年龄 2、Does the factory have a copy of local laws showing minimum age for working in this area ? 厂内有没有任何法律文件说明本地最低工作年龄 3、Does the factory have a written policy regarding the minimum age of workers hired ? 工厂有没有书面政策关于雇用的最低年龄 4、Are age documentation records and personal files maintained in the factory for all employees ? 全厂员工的年龄证明文件及人事档案是否齐备 5、Is there any evidence of child labour in the factory ? 有没有迹象及证据雇用童工 Force Labour 6、Does the factory have a written policy against use of prison or forced labour ? 有没有制度关于招聘强迫劳工 / 非自愿劳工 7、Does your factory hire or evidence of prison, indentured, bonded and/or force labor in the factory ? 否有或有没有迹象及证据聘请囚犯工,抵债工,契约工(非自愿)或有强迫工人工作 ? 8、Are workers free to leave the employment at their own freewill ? 员工是否可依循己愿离职 9、Are workers' ID being withheld ? 员工有没有被扣起证件 10、Can employees refuse overtime without repercussions ? 员工能否拒绝加班 11、Are employees allowed to use toilet facilities freely during working hours ? 员工在上班时间内是否可以自由地使用洗手间 12、Do all employees have equal access to fresh drinking water ? 员工是否能享用清洁的饮用水 13、Are workers granted freedom of movement in/out of the dormitoriesafter working hour ? 工厂员工是否可以自由进出宿舍 ? Employment Practices (Disciplines) 14、Does the factory have a written policy against use of corporal punishment ? 厂规内是否列明任何有关体罚制度 15、Are there any indications of corporal punishment or mental coercion against workers ? 厂内有没有实施任何体罚或精神压迫的措施 16、Are employees allowed to converse during working hours ? 员工上班时可否交谈 Discrimination 17、Does the factory have a copy of any local laws regarding discrimination ? 厂内有没有任何关于歧视的法律文件 18、Is there any evidence of discrimination in respect of race, gender or religion ? 有没有迹象及证据工厂涉及性别,宗教,种族等歧视 19、Are all workers given equal opportunity to work in the factory ? 是否所有员工均有平等的工作机会 Health & Safety 20、Is factory clean and well ventilated ? 工厂是否清洁及空气流通 21、Is factory well lit ? 工厂光线是否充足 22、Is the exterior of the building well maintained ? 工厂外墙是否保养良好 23、Are toilet facilities available on each floor ? 工厂是否每层楼房均有提供厕所 24、Are toilet facilities functional & clean ? 洗手间是否设备完善及清洁 25、Are bathroom facilities functional with running water ? 浴室设施是否提供自来水 26、Is the canteen clean and well ventilated ? 饭堂是否清洁及空气流通 27、Are first aid supplies available on each floor ? 每层楼房是否均有急救用品 28、Are kits regularly checked and restored ? 急救箱用品是否定期检查及补货 29、Are there any trained First Aider ? 有没有受训的急救员 30、Are there medical facilities on site ? 现场有没有医疗设施 31、Are machine guards available for all hazardous moving parts, when required ? 是否所有危险的机械部份均已安装保护装置 32、Are machine guards in good condition ? 机械保护装置是否完整无缺 33、Is suitable personal protective equipment available ? 工厂有否提供合适的个人保护设备 34、Is the personal protective equipment in good condition ? 个人保护设备是否状态良好 35、Are electric wiring, switches & other electrical appliances used safely ? 所有电线,电开关及电器是否安全地使用 36、Are cylinders containing compressed air used & stored safely ? 压缩空气樽的使用及存放是否安全 37、Are cylinders & gas storage devices properly labelled ? 压缩空气樽及容器有没有标签 38、Does the factory have a written policy regarding the use and storage of chemicals, solvents & cleaning agents ? 工厂有没有储存或使用化学品政策文件 39、Are chemicals separated and contained safely ? 化学物品是否被安全地隔离及储存 40、Are chemicals / solvents / cleaning agents used & stored safely & all containers bear MSDS ? 化学品有没有附有物料安全标签 41、Are raw materials & finished products stored, handled & transported safely ? 工厂的原料及成品的储存,处理及运送是否安全 42、Are written fire emergency evacuation plans posted ? 有没有张贴紧急逃生图 43、Is there training for emergency evacuation ? 有没有紧急逃生训练/演习 44、Is Fire Drill carried out minimum twice a year ? 走火演习是否每年最少两次 45、Are there fire extinguishers visible ? 灭火筒是否安装在易见的位置 46、Are the fire extinguishers in good condition ? 灭火筒是否状态良好 47、Are there fire extinguishers on each floor ? 是否每层楼房均有设置灭火筒 48、Is there a fire alarm system installed in the factory ? 厂房是否有火警警报装置 49、Do you have workers trained to use fire extinguishers ? 工厂是否有安排员工接受消防器材使用的培训 ? 50、Are there any "No Smoking" signs displayed within the factory ? 厂房有否张贴 "不准吸烟" 告示及标志 51、Is fire fighting equipment inspection recorded monthly ? 有否消防设备的每月检查记录 52、Are fire exits per floor on the factory facility / dormitory compliance with legal fire safet requirement ? 工厂的每一层车间及宿舍是否有足够的应急出口 ? 53、Are the emergency evacuation exits clearly marked and passable ? 紧急逃生出口是否清晰地标签及可通行 54、Do these exits lead to a place of safety ? 逃生出口是否通往安全地方 55、Is there a toilet for every 20 - 25 people in every floor ? 每层之洗手间分配足否达至每20 - 25 人 56、Is the noise below 85 decibels ? If not, are workers provided with ear plugs free of charge ? 工厂内的噪音是否有超过85分贝 ?如是,工厂是否有免费提供耳塞给工人使用 ? 57、Are the dormitory site & building well maintained ? 宿舍范围及楼房是否保养完善 58、Are dormitories clean and well ventilated ? 宿舍是否清洁及空气流通 59、Do all workers have a minimum of 2 sq meters of living space each ? 员工在宿舍内的空间是否不低于2平方米/人 ?