

来源:东莞市引响力企业管理咨询有限公司      时间:2021-06-25 21:53:23


Sections % of Total Points

1 Factory Attributes 8.5%

2 Raw Materials 7.7%

3 Shade Control 4.3%

4 Process Control 12.0%

5 Final Statistical Audit 12.8%

6 Finished Goods Storage 4.3%

7 Non-conforming Material 5.1%

8 General Quality Related Attributes 15.4%

9 Calibration 6.8%

10 Safety and Reliability Testing 5.1%

11 General Labor related Attributes 17.9%

  Total: 100%以下为LOWE‘S验厂11个部分评分项目,供参考:

1、Factory Attributes 工厂特性

1. Is the premises well maintained?工厂有妥善维持吗

2. Is equipment well maintained? 工厂设备有保养完善吗

3. Is general housekeeping acceptable (clean and tidy)? 厂内整洁是可被接受的吗(干净)?

4. What was the average on-time delivery performance in the last 12 months?在过去12个月准时出货的平均值 100~98.1%(5)98~96.1%(4)96~94.1%(3)94~92.1%(2) 92~90.1%(1)90% or lower(0)Not Available(N/A)Transportation method ____ %air,xyh___ % vessel.

5. What was the average outgoing quality performance (Lot Acceptance Rate) in the last 12 months? 在过去12个月出货质量表现100-96.1% on time(5)96-92.1% on time(4)92-88.1% on time (3)88-84.1% on time(2)84-80.1% on time (1)Not Available(N/A)

6. Do they have CLEAN, STACKED, COVERED, PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE storage area for keeping raw material and packaging materials? 有干净,可覆盖, 有保护的区域来置放保存原料及包装材料吗?

7. Is the lighting over the work area throughout the factory meets PRC National Standard GB50034-2004? 工厂的工作区域有灯吗(符合PRC National Standard GB50034-2004)

8. Is there efficient production flow from raw materials to finished goods?


9. Is the Factory proximity to major highway and port? 工厂邻近主要公路及港口吗Easy to access and within 150 km (5) 150km内可到达 A bit difficult to access or between 150 km and 300 km (3) 150km到300kmDifficult to access or exceeds 300 km (1) 超过300km

10. What is the production supervisor to worker ratio? 工厂管理者跟员工的比例 25 or less to 1 (5)26~30 to 1 (4) 31~35 to 1 (3)36~40 to 1 (2)41~45 to 1 (1)Greater than 45 to 1 (0)

2、Raw Material Control 原料控管

1. Does the vendor have controls in place to assure raw material in conformance to specification? 供货商有控管确保材料是有符合规格?(testing done either by in-house lab. or by public lab. is acceptable)


2. Does the vendor inspect or verify raw materials or purchased parts prior to use?


3. Does the vendor formally indicate inspection status of incoming materials?


4. If the vendor sub-contracts work to external sources, are there controls in place to assure quality of the sub-contracted work?假如供应者的承包商是从外部进料, 有加以控管确保承包商的质量吗

5. Are receiving inspection records (which show date of inspection, item #, item description, lot size, sample size, AQL, inspection results, etc.) maintained and sub-tier vendor quality performance measured? 检验报告(显示检验日期/型号/产品描述/尺寸/样品数/AQL/检验结果)有被保留吗?承包供货商的质量有被检测吗?

6. Are there written inspection instructions which outline the characteristics to be inspected and the criteria for acceptance provided?有书面检测说明指出哪些特性要被检测及可接受的法则标准

7. Are formal sampling plans in use and are they statistically sound? 有使用正式的抽样计划及统计?

8. Are gauges / test equipment of the right type and sufficient quantity for the work performed?


9. Are packaging materials inspected?有检测包装材料吗

3、Shade and Artwork Control颜色及ARTWORK 控制 (If any of those questions with*(asterisk) has zero score, unsatisfactory rating must be given.) (假如有打*的问题被打零分, 就会给不满意的评分

1. Does factory check for color shading at incoming inspection or raw materials fabrication?工厂在进行进料检验或原料结构时有检查颜色吗?

2. Does factory check for color shading in spraying and/or plating process?工厂在喷色过程时有检查颜色吗

3. Does factory check for color shading in assembly lines?组装时有检查颜色吗

4. Does factory check for color shading in packaging?包装时有检查颜色吗

5. Does factory verify the artwork of the printing materials before packaging starts?在开始包装之前, 有先进行包材图档(ARTWORK)的检查吗

4、Process Control 制程控管

1. Are delegated QC inspectors available?有委派QC检验员吗?

2. Do inspectors work at a designated table or workstation?检验员是在委派的桌子或工作区域工作吗?

3. To whom do the inspectors report? 谁做检测报告QC Supervisor/Mgr (5) QC 管理者/经理 Production Mgr (1) 生产经理Production Supervisor (0) 生产管理者

4. Are inspection records (which show date of inspection, item #, item description, lot size, sample size, AQL, inspection results, etc.) maintained?检验报告(显示检验日期/型号/产品描述/尺寸/样品数/AQL/检验结果)有被保留吗?

5. Does the vendor inspect material at key points of the production process on all shifts?供货商在材料所有生产流程都有进行重点检验吗?

6. Is the status of material clearly identified at all times throughout the production process?在生产过程中有清楚注明材料情况吗

7. Is material handled correctly throughout the process?生产过程中材料有被正确处理吗

8. Are there written inspection instructions which outline the characteristics to be inspected and the criteria for acceptance available to inspectors?有书面检测说明指出哪些特性要被检测及可接受的法则标准

9. Are workmanship standards available in the form of controlled written standards, visual exhibits (color chips, photos) and / or samples?工作标准可以从书面标准, 可见的陈列品(色卡, 照片) 或样品 来取得标准吗?

10. Are in-process sampling plans statistically sound for the application?有应用生产制程中的抽样统计计划吗

11. Is inspection and test equipment sufficient to verify in-process material conformance? (type & quantity)检测及测试仪器是足够来证明制程材料的一致性?(样式及数量)

12. Are in-process defects charted and analyzed to detect problem areas and defect trends? 制程中的缺失是可被分析察觉出问题吗?

13. Are in-process quality data collected, analyzed & charted against monthly improvement targets?制程中的质量数据有被搜集, 分析, 制图用在每月改善目标?

14. Are rejected pieces re-inspected by inspector after repair?被判退产品在整理之后有再重新被检验员检查一次吗?


